We need your help

ENT is currently under active development, but you can help us to ensure that this project succeeds.

Vote for ENT

We believe in ENT, and we hope that you will too.

Are you an engineer currently using some other tool to document your analysis?

Please take our survey to help us gauge interest in our product.

...but if you really want to help...

We're still trying to find funding for this project. We have enough money to continue until the end of the year, but we need a customer to take a chance on us to make ENT happen.

If you are a potential user then please share our story with decision makers in your organization.

If you are a potential customer then please contact us to set up a meeting to discuss options.

Give Us More Feedback

After 8 years of working on a similar tool developed internally within a major aerospace company, I think I have a pretty good idea what their users want. However, I don't necessarilly have a good handle on what engineers across different industries need.

We appreciate any feedback you take the time to submit.

For now you can submit ideas to ENT Features